Greetings Parents and Cool Aid Kids,
We at Cool Aid are really looking forward to the full day happening this Friday!
Once again, only our Southside Centre will be open for this day. We will be going to the Eastlink Centre, so for kids who are 8 years old and up they will be able to go swimming in the pool, and for all the kids who are 7 and under, they will be spending their time playing in the field house.
For all who are swimming, please make sure to pack a swim suit, towel, and lock for a locker, if you require one. And in general, please make sure that your kids come with plenty of food to last the whole day and a water bottle.
Cool Aid will be taking a school bus to the pool, so no worries about having to do the long walk to the pool! However, please make sure that your child still comes with clothing appropriate for the weather of the day.
We look forward to seeing everyone!
The Cool Aid Staff