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September 22nd PD Day


Good evening!

We had to make a change to our Hillside calendar this month. Due to staffing, we will not be able to open our hillside location for the full day out. Southside (9645 Prairie road) will be open from 8am to 6pm, on September 22nd, for the PD day. If you are registered at Hillside you are also registered at southside and are able to attend still, but you will have to find a ride over to our other location.

We are sorry for the inconvenience and we hope you are still able to join us!

We will be going to the County Sportsplex and will have access to the field house and the skating rink! You will need to bring your own skates and a helmet, if you would like to use the skating rink. We'll be taking a school bus to the sportsplex just after lunch and head back, so we arrive at the centre by 4pm!

Thanks! We look forward to seeing everyone!

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